When two colors meet, a new color emerges. Similarly, when two or more people meet, a new space is created that is larger than the sum of its parts. In 2023, Ram Katzir’s first permanent public artwork in China Onirico will unveil at Xuhui Riverside in Shanghai.
Onirico welcomes visitors to the historic Nanpu Railway Station site, built initially for cargo transport. It is a symbolic place reminding people of the city’s industrialization progress.
Situated between an art museum and a park, it will be a magical meeting point in Xuhui District. Next to the artwork is the newly built Start Museum, designed by French architect Jean Nouvel. The proximity of the Art and Design Fair and Katzir’s monumental sculpture will become a unique highlight of the West Bund Culture Corridor.
Official unveiling on March 2024
Curated by Purple Roof Public Art
Commissioned by Hong Kong Land
Realized with financial support from the Mondriaan Fund